Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Earth day!

Now, I know that earh day has past, but I personally think every day should be earth day. Look at this beautiful picture above. What people are doing to this earth will turn that beautiful place, and others like it, into a big plie of trash. So I think the least we can do is recycle.


Tice said...

I agree. I want this picture in my house.

And, yes, I will totally help you paint your room. Let's make a date for it sometime later this month. Perhaps I can come down there memorial day weekend? Woot! Can't wait! You know I loves me a painting project.

Sweet Pea said...

Yay! I told my mom, but she was side tracked doing something else. She said whatever I asked her for would just say yes cuz she is busy. TTYL!( You can just come down anyways, I am getting in the habbit of cleaning my room, so it will be clean if you come)

@MOM-- If you read this, just remember...all I need is some music and I can clean the whole house...except the basement...the boys have to do something!:)

Lori, Lorelei, Lore said...

Ahhumm, I believe I was side tracked working on Primary stuff. But of course Tice can come paint. She might have to start on my kitchen doors before she moves on to your room, though!
What is TTYL again?

natalie said...

@ Lori. Um, hello? Talk To You Later. Get with the program! JK (just kidding)

That is a beautiful picture. And I agree. If everyone were to do small things like recycle, turn off lights when not needed, turn off water when you're brushing your teeth, bring your own bags to the store, this world would be a healthier place to be. Global warming gives this girl the heebeegeebees...

ps: tell your mom to moderate her comments. :)

Elaine said...

It's a beautiful photo, Caroline. I think we will be leaving the world to a great group of people like you who will take very good care of it.

Sweet Pea said...

Thanks! I really wish there was some way that people would just help out. I understand that sometimes you have to pay to recycle, but there are other ways to help the planet, too! Like that things Natalie said!